Why Flexible Air Ducts Are Better
The "fully flexible" structure of air ducts used to provide air flow offers some advantages to investors and users over those with a "semi-flexible" structure.
Ability to Stretch
The first of these advantages is the ability to bend more. Therefore, it can adapt to any area where it will be installed. Thus, their usage areas are much higher than semi-flexible ducts.
Flexibility of Connections
Since the connection in fully flexible air ducts is made with steel wires, it has the feature of stretching and elongation. For this reason, connection points can show better strength in the face of undesirable sudden environmental conditions, and can be easily applied at points that require precision. On the other hand, semi-flexible air ducts have a fixed size due to the rigid and inflexible structure of the connection structure, and they do not have the ability to stretch and extend.
Prevention of Mechanical Problems
High flexibility reduces mechanical problems. In the face of undesirable conditions that may occur during operation, more rigid materials can be damaged more quickly and lose their function. When too much bending occurs, due to the rigidity of the connection points, semi-flexible air ducts can cause aluminum spills and mechanical problems over time.
Production and Raw Material Cost
The cost of materials and raw materials used in fully flexible air ducts is much more affordable. In parallel with this, production costs are also lower. For this reason, providing air flow is realized at much more affordable prices. However, the production cost of materials and raw materials used in semi-flexible air ducts is higher. These price differences are reflected in the sales prices of the products.
Cost of Purchase and Competitiveness
In addition to the fact that production, raw material and material costs affect the sales price of air ducts, "low competitiveness" can have an impact on the sales prices of the products.
There are more flexible air duct manufacturers than sem flexible manufacturers. In a more competitive area, prices tend to favor the customer. In other words, due to price competition, they are sold at much more affordable prices than semi-flexible ducts. The low competitiveness of semi-flexible air ducts produced by a small number of companies may lead to higher prices.